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April 15, 2008 Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2008

A Special Town Meeting of the Town of East Windsor was held at the East Windsor Town Hall on Thursday, April 15, 2008. The meeting was called to order at 7:31 P.M. by First Selectman Denise Menard. Motion was made by Reggie Bancroft and seconded by Gil Hayes that Denise Menard preside as Moderator. Motion to close nominations was made by Dale Nelson and seconded by Gil Hayes.
Both motions passed unanimously.
Town Clerk, Karen W. Gaudreau read the call to the Meeting.
Moderator read the Statement of Eligibility to Vote.

Item #1
The following resolution was introduced and read by Ed Filipone.

RESOLVED:               To accept Aspen Drive as a Town road, in
accordance with the East Windsor Town Charter Section 10-8(e).

Mr. Filipone moved the resolution, seconded by Reggie Bancroft.

Moderator Denise Menard clarified the location of Aspen Drive as being off of East Road in Broad Brook.

No discussion followed, Moderator called for a voice vote and declared the resolution unanimously adopted.

Motion to adjourn was made by Dale Nelson and seconded by Reggie Bancroft.

Moderator declared the meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted
Karen W. Gaudreau.

                                                Attest:  ________________________
                                                                Town Clerk
